Navigating Your Next Project
Today’s development and construction projects are increasingly complex and require significant capital investments. The project owner’s scope of responsibilities is like an intricate web containing many moving parts. Regardless of industry sector, project size, remodel or new construction, each project can be broken into a 5-phase process: Concept, Due Diligence, Design, Construction and Owner Occupancy.
While each project can be broken into these 5 phases, each one will look different depending on the project type and carries its own challenges and needs for expertise.
As owner, understanding the requirements of each phase, who the partners are, and when they need to be involved will increase the probability of success.
Assembling your project team and establishing your first steps is an exciting and important part of the project but can often be overwhelming. While you may have existing construction knowledge, you may be challenged to control all the moving pieces of a development or construction project. There is inherent risk in every project and having an expert on your team can help you effectively manage the intricate scope of each step and produce results.
In this series, we will address some of the specific actions you need to take within each of the 5 project phases, considering your project size, complexity, ownership type, industry sector and whether it’s a remodel or new construction.